Swedish idol.

I hope Jonathan Garces wins the swedish idol.

Check him out on youtube or http://www.tv4.se/idol

Erika xx

Hate !?


Hate is a BIG word.

I have seen alot of hate comments on Justin Bieber videos.

Its not okay , well Im not saying this because Im his biggest fan , Im saying it because Im a human.

Who want to hear or read everyday that people are hating that person ?

Well... I dont think anyone want to.

Just saying...

Erika xx

Comments ?


My blog is going DOWN.

Why doesnt people comment :(

Well please , comment and FOLLOW.


Erika xx

What would the world be without.....

Anna ?

Without her , my blog , wouldnt be like this

ILY thanks <3

Justin :D


Yayy , http://beautifulselena.webblogg.se made a header for me.


Its really beautiful *the header* :D

I LOVE it.

THANKS once again.

What do YOU think ?

Okay so , sometimes I dont know what do write about.

So if you have ideas for me , comment down below !

I will read the ideas and I might take yours :D

And please can you do a shoutout for ME ??

I would be thankful if you did , thanks !

- Peace

Erika xx


Sorry I havent been on for a while , just havent got any time to sign in to anything or be next to the computer.

Well , I thought of making a UPDATE

So yea , comment and Ill be happy

Love you all (L)

- Peace

Erika xx

Välkommen till min nya blogg!

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